TExtRact enables you to take a picture using you mobile phone's camera and get the
text from the picture.
pic to text: OCR in your hands !
using yossoft's servers at: free-ocr.net
Android Vesrion: download here from market
or scan QR code:
Windows Mobile download here cab install
Test trxtract with these sample images:
Screenshot android:
windows mobile screenshot:
ESC Player
Every may, all of Europe gets together to watch this show...
Everybody has a favourite Eurovision song...
Download this (free) app to listen to the radio stream.
think you know all songs, states, and years? well, great!
you can now compete in the guessing game of the ESC Player.
have fun!!!
Europe, start guessing!
Free full function (ads) version is availabe- have to click on ad below to start
donate version is ads clean and gets you free upgrades and support.